Smart and ergonomic accessories

All accessories and functions for your workstation!

Ergonomic details

Which kinds of functions do you need to work in an ergonomic flow at your workstation? Are there any tools or equipment that you use frequently during the day and therefore, need to have easily accessible? We have developed a bunch of ergonomic details and functions which are meant to increase the flexibility, but also contribute to an organized workbench and a clean work surface. Depending on how your business and workflow looks like, you can supplement your workbench with different accessories such as scanner holders, holders for tape handles, label holders, and roll holders.

Our whole range of accessories for workbenches!



Flexible gas spring arms with extensions

Another ergonomic feature that we want to highlight is flexible gas spring arms! A perfect complement to make the static workbench a bit more flexible. Here you have the chance to create a movable surface for suspension or storage for everything from tools, equipment, and materials to keyboards, laptops, and screens. The advantages of using a flexible arm are that it can be angled both in and out from the work surface, and adjusted in both tilt and rotation. For example, if you choose a flexible arm with a perforated panel, your tools will be easy to reach and put away during the day.

Our whole range of flexible gas spring arms!



Functional storage space

In order to create an ergonomic workplace, it is also important to include functional storage possibilities. Above all, storage spaces that follows the same movement when you raise and lower your workbench. This will result in easier access to whatever is placed under the workbench on lower shelves, regardless of it is materials, printers, or packaging. Choose if you want to expand your storage space with a lockable drawer unit or pull-out lower shelves for extra flexibility. The pull-put lower shelves have fully extendable extensions to increase both accessibility to and overview of the materials. 

Our whole range of lower shelves!


Do you want to know more about our range of accessories?

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